Reading Comprehension Worksheets

Welcome to Free Worksheets PDF where reading worksheets are easy to print and easy to use! Choose our printable worksheets at which ever level you like. They are free and you can choose as high a level as you like. All of our Reading worksheets are free and based on good literature.

One of the most important features of good reading instruction is to find interesting reading material at a level that your readers can enjoy or appreciate. We offer you this giant bundle of reading worksheets that have different variations on the worksheets theme.

Teaching reading can be so rewarding even if the effort is exhausting at times! A bright child can learn the basic phonics sounds in two or three months and begin to get better during the very first week.

Teaching phonics is the keystone to future reading comprehension success or rescuing a student that has had difficulty. Even slower students who know the phonics sounds and the phonics rules begin to advance quickly once reading “clicks”.

Once any student has the basic reading comprehension skills he is free to read, and thereby, to learn almost anything!

Most students still need phonics lessons and review throughout the elementary education years so as to practice the phonics rules for bigger words with prefixes and suffixes. The prefixes and suffixes are what expand reading comprehension at any age. Then? Practice makes perfect!

Common sense practice is the order of the day at Free Worksheets PDF!

We find that when a student copies his work in a logical manner and says the sounds out loud he has an easy time using elementary reading worksheets. Writing the material, or copying it, ensures that your student has reviewed it and can then read it better.

The more a student reviews a passage, the more he can comprehend its meaning. It is one thing to hand a child what amounts to a quiz, it is entirely another to hand him a tool by which he can actively improve his skills with little one on one instruction! Take the quiz later!

We find that one of the best reading activities is, of course, to read. After that is it good to have the student copy his work in a logical manner and say the phonics sounds of any difficult words out loud to improve his reading and writing skills. Writing the material, or copying it, ensures that your student has reviewed it and can then read it better.

If a student reviews a passage several times in several ways he can more easily comprehend its meaning. For older students Reading comprehension can be improved by reading a good selection alone in a quiet place and reading only difficult phrases out loud as needed for comprehension. We believe that once a student has worked through several complicated books well, that he is able then to read anything after that.

It is one thing to hand a child a worksheet that amounts to a quiz, yet it is an entirely different thing to hand him our practice reading worksheets that have the correct spelling to copy. Copy work is a reading activity by which a student can actively improve his skills by his own efforts.

Even handwriting practice helps reading comprehension since the student must pay attention to every character in the words read. Take the quiz later, after the basics are learned! Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote from a book to a slate and college students take notes all day long. Writing does aid reading and memory.

After a student can read at a third or fourth grade level the main difference in books between the elementary grades is the length of the book and maturity of content. High school books are longer, have fewer pictures, and cover more complicated material. Choose books that meet your students’ reading ability and general ability to sit through a long study.

Free Worksheets PDF are handmade for real children. We use these reading worksheets with our own students and hope that our own grandchildren will also learn the material they teach! We are continually adding new materials. There are no fees, no worksheet generators, or registrations necessary to print our free Math worksheets or any of our free printable worksheets. See our growing list of free printable Reading Worksheets below and use our left navigation bar to see thousands of free printable worksheets and elementary worksheets.